Two of the younger generations have started to penetrate the current job market. Both these generations are seemingly the usual target consumers of the current brands on trend. However, both these generations respond differently in certain marketing tactics when it comes to the online world.

Before we delve even further on the topic at hand, let us first distinguish the differences between Millennials and Generation Z.

Millennials – these are the people born from 1980 to 1995. Most millennials were still in their younger years when social media was introduced. In other words, millennials were the ones to adopt first in the use of these online platforms.

Generation Z – these are the people born from 1996 to 2012, they are also known as the newest generation. These people have now started to enter the adulting and working world. According to experts, this current generation will also be the largest group of consumers worldwide in 2020.

How Are They Different?

While both gens are a part of a younger demographic and an era of exceptional technological advancements. What appears to be the main difference between these two generations is their grasp in Social Media. Furthermore, we have also listed below some of their other differences:

  • When it comes to attention span, Gen z has a much short-lived attention span of 8 seconds as to Millennials with 12 seconds
  • Generation Z are more likely to watch YouTube daily, while Millennials are mostly the ones to watch and respond to ads.
  • Millennials think more about a certain product’s price and brand than Gen Z.
  • Gen Z use social media to be entertained. Millennials on the other hand love to share on social media platforms.
  • Millennials are most likely to compare themselves to peers and also suffer from “Fear of missing out”. However, Generation Z values their own individuality.
  • The Younger Generation, Gen Z is more open to experimentation as well as entrepreneurial ventures.

In Terms of Marketing


Millennials tend to be influenced by what others say, especially with their peers, they typically depend on social media for validation. This generation also look for inspiration through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Basically, the main focus for marketing when it comes to Millennials should be:

  • Building trust
  • Relatability

Generation Z

As mentioned earlier, Generation Z loves to be entertained. This generation is apparently the Youtube generation. Moreover, Gen Z is recorded to spend an average of 11 hours per week on their mobile phones. So for entrepreneurs, a mobile app version of your e-commerce site should be a requirement for you to also engage in this group.

While both of these generations are really quite active in all social media platforms. There are still distinct differences in how they view and respond to the use of social media in general.

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